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No More Printed Manuals - We’ve Gone Digital!

No More Printed Manuals - We’ve Gone Digital!

In an exciting step towards sustainability and efficiency, our company will no longer print installation and user manuals starting from February 2024. This transition to digital-only manuals is set to save an average of around 62,000 pages annually. The shift not only supports environmental conservation efforts but also aligns with the recent updates in the European Union's regulations.
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Use residential heat pump for pool heating?

Use residential heat pump for pool heating?

A heat pump, as a source of heat, whether for a family house, a company building or a swimming pool, is the cheapest and most available heating all year round in a suitable climate. Heat pumps are strongly supported and often subsidized in many countries and their number is continuously increasing.
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Black Inverter Heat Pumps Revolutionize Heating, Replacing Traditional Green On/Off Models

Black Inverter Heat Pumps Revolutionize Heating, Replacing Traditional Green On/Off Models

On June 18, 2024, Microwell's main factory site marked a significant milestone by selling the last piece of its HP GREEN heat pump. This event symbolizes the end of an era for the traditional on/off heat pump model that has been a mainstay for years.
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